Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blog 2

Wow what a great victory for the Oregon Ducks tonight...that first half had me nervous though.  And the Blazers beat Boston...wow are the stars in alignment?  Maybe I should make a wish and blow out a candle.   With Brian now helping the Ducks, our building is now tilted towards green and yellow even more, in spite of Kenny Sherman who will be in full OSU colors by the time you see this (I have to make a note that RHS has the same colors....troubling isn't it?). 

Well whether you are a Duck or Beaver, Democrat or  Republican,  or whatever, all of us at KQEN wish you a happy new year!  Can't believe 2009 is only hours away!

I'll be cheering at Mac Court Sunday, maybe I will see you there!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hi- Its been a busy weekend in spite of being off a couple days. I now have a blog! For someone who likes to write this should be fun for me and hopefully fun for you the listener. I'll tell you more about me and more about what we are doing around KQEN to make it an even better station. Hopefully everyone had a great Christmas! I may soon be at the YMCA if the weather doesn't get better (I don't bike in the rain).

Many of you know I have lived in the Burg for Eons (was originally moving here for 2 years tops lol) and am pretty involved in things around town. This is a great place for us to raise our kids and in spite of the economy and all the challenges, this town has awesome potential.

Please let me know if there is anything you'd like me to touch on, or anything you think we should change about KQEN. I'll be updating this hopefully everyday.