Wow. by now you know the Oregon Ducks had a thrilling victory over Oregon State Thursday night. While I will let Brian disect the game, I will hit some interesting notes from our time in Autuzen.
We arrived at 3pm, which while early - kept us out of later traffic chaos. After walking around chatting with media friends for while, and going down to the Mo Center to watch the early crowd. it was time for the media dinner. An incredible pot roast dinner was served complete with potatoes, salad, rolls and more. Wow- I am not sure I will be eating much today.
Brian started doing postings on Facebook and Twitter, while I only jumped on a couple of times. Cell service was spotty in Autuzen. In the third quarter, it actually took 20 plays for me to send one text! I guess, given that it was the biggest crowd in Autzen history (over 59,000) I shouldn't have been suprised.
Game time started at 35 degrees and went down from there. I believe it was 27 when the game was over. The press box windows were closed for the game - keeping the working media warm - but we did lose some of the "feel" of the game since the cheering was quieter. Initially I whined about it, but after going downstairs at half time, I decided I could deal with having heat.
Santa was there - uh actually there were at least 4 Santa's on Duck Vision. That may have confused some of the kids.
I saw several Roseburg folks at the game - Diana Corder, John Migulena and Steve Walker among others. Walker appeared envious of my warm working environment and pot roast dinner. I know there were many of local folks there - just couldn't down stairs as much since I decided I liked the heat.
During half time the ESPN TV guys were waiting to come up in the elevator as I went down. I knew they were TV guys after looking at their perfect hair and suits! Actually I am told they are all nice guys. Brian actually saw one in the restroom. I do want to correct one of Brian's posts however. While Erin Andrews of ESPN was indeed there - I did NOT see her in the restroom! By the way, Brian was also part of the media group that polished off all the cookies during halftime.
In the third and early fourth quarter it became very intense and quiet in the press box, given the tight score and -for awhile - a Beaver lead. When LaGarrette Blount scored, people's pens began writing quickly - as everyone sensed one of the game highlights in the making. With 6:16 in the 4th, the Duck crowd came awake big time and it stayed that way to the end.
I went down on the field staying by the Beaver players for awhile before moving to the south end zone. As I have said on Facebook, I was standing next to the Oregon Duck when the Roses came out. Wished I was fast enough to get a pic, but had too much gear with me to try. The Oregon Band and students began singing "Living on a Prayer" with 3 minutes to go as everyone was confident of a Duck victory. As the game wound down, fans stormed wthe field. After the USC chaos, I tried to hang back on the field but eventually got in the midst of wall to wall fans - many who seem to get louder when the media microphones come out! Its so funny to have people say "Hey you want to interview me?". I tried to leave the field but was flat out stuck. A makeshift fence -designed to keep fans out of the tunnel taken by the players - also kept the media and even some players from being able to leave the field in a timely manner. One of the Ducks players came up beside me wanting to leave the field and was told by a security person - that he couldn't leave the field there - but had to go 20 feet west to exit. Sure, easy to say and hard to do. Eventually some of the crowd backed up and I - and some other media - followed the player off the field. It was a bit too crazy there - but I think sercurity did the beset they could, given the thousands of fans on the field.
After getting to the locker room just in time to see the Pac Ten ceremony where the coash, athletic director and University President received their awards, I could finally relax a bit. Coach Chip Kelly is incredible and I am more impressed with him each week. We listened to the coach for about ten minutes then Jeramiah Massoli took the mic for awhile.
About 10:15 we headed to the parking lot, making it back to Roseburg by midnight. WOW! Now the big question - do I try to go to Pasadena?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I know its been way too long since I updated this. I only have time to say - "GO DUCKS". Be sure to listen Thursday morning for a special Civil War Morning Report - with fans from both teams as guests, plus comments from others connected to the big game. Brian and I will be working hard Thursday night in our heated press row seats near the ESPN crew.
Email me if you have any special Civil War insight!
Email me if you have any special Civil War insight!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
DUCKS/Arizona State
First off, I am way behind on updating this. Its turning into a nutty November - but enough on that.
Brian can do a better job explaining the game but here are some observations:
When Brian and I arrived in the Press Box Saturday, the first thing I noticed was - Lasagna, with bread and salad. It was perfect except for the absence of a paired wine!
One question - Why are so many people from Roseburg in Section 23? Odd.
While in the Lasgna line, an old friend from Portland spotted me. Had not seen him in nearly 20 years. He runs a media company and as it turns out, was part of the crew running Duck Vision at the game (the big screen). Very happy to see him again.
Brian put on some kind of women's gloves with 13:07 left in the 4th. Someone in the office let him borrow them (who borrows gloves.....??). They are uh stylish....uh yea Brian keep trying.
People began to leave in droves with 7:48 left in the 4th. Apparently a big winning margin and the extreme cold was getting to them. It was warmer in the press box, but still a bit chilly.
Brian chatted with the ASU mascot right before the end of the game. Should have got a picture of that. The Sun Devil is a weird looking dude. (or dudette!)
After the game we chatted with players and other media folks. I don' t think we got into the car until close to midnight.
Lots of folks peeled off at Cottage Grove for snacks. Brian had an AMP and Wheat Thins! Weird combo.
By the way, you never know who you will see at the snack stop in Cottage Grove. Several Roseburg folks, including one I won't name because he has the power to get me arrested or charged. (!!)
Walked in the house at 1:15am. Enjoyed a glass of the wine that I should have had with dinner, and called it a night.
Now - we wait for the Civil War!! GO DUCKS!
Brian can do a better job explaining the game but here are some observations:
When Brian and I arrived in the Press Box Saturday, the first thing I noticed was - Lasagna, with bread and salad. It was perfect except for the absence of a paired wine!
One question - Why are so many people from Roseburg in Section 23? Odd.
While in the Lasgna line, an old friend from Portland spotted me. Had not seen him in nearly 20 years. He runs a media company and as it turns out, was part of the crew running Duck Vision at the game (the big screen). Very happy to see him again.
Brian put on some kind of women's gloves with 13:07 left in the 4th. Someone in the office let him borrow them (who borrows gloves.....??). They are uh stylish....uh yea Brian keep trying.
People began to leave in droves with 7:48 left in the 4th. Apparently a big winning margin and the extreme cold was getting to them. It was warmer in the press box, but still a bit chilly.
Brian chatted with the ASU mascot right before the end of the game. Should have got a picture of that. The Sun Devil is a weird looking dude. (or dudette!)
After the game we chatted with players and other media folks. I don' t think we got into the car until close to midnight.
Lots of folks peeled off at Cottage Grove for snacks. Brian had an AMP and Wheat Thins! Weird combo.
By the way, you never know who you will see at the snack stop in Cottage Grove. Several Roseburg folks, including one I won't name because he has the power to get me arrested or charged. (!!)
Walked in the house at 1:15am. Enjoyed a glass of the wine that I should have had with dinner, and called it a night.
Now - we wait for the Civil War!! GO DUCKS!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wow what do you say about the Ducks incredible win over legendary USC!
Some notes from our time at Autzen:
While it may not rain at Autzen Stadium the parking lot is another matter. It took us 30 minutes longer than normal to actually get in the parking area. Our parking pass didn't help as the lots we could be in were full 2 hours before game time. (I told Brian we should have left sooner...) Given the rain and getting soaked, we bagged trying to find our KQEN listeners who had offered to let us stop by (they were pretty spread out....and we would have gotten wetter....whimps..) - but we did stumble across a few Roseburg folks on the way in anyway.
Upon entering the stadium we saw Basketball Coach Ernie Kent who saw Brian and greeted us. Looked like he had some recruits hanging out with him. We stopped by the Mo Center and watched ESPN radio for a bit and then headed for the press box. The ESPN TV crew actually had security shadowing them the whole game. That was a bit of a suprise. Brian ran into one of the ESPN TV guys during a break and greeted him.
I brought a decibel meter with me and saw a peak of 107 decibels from the pressbox and 106 from the turf. I think the best place to measure was probably the middle of the stands but wasn't able to do that. I see ESPN shows it high on their meter. Anyway you look at it, it was very loud and USC botched some starts due to the noise.
The media is normally allowed on the field the last four minutes, but given the atmosphere and the big victory, we were able to go down sooner. It became clear that security was ready for students to storm the field - and equally clear that there was NO way the kids would be stopped. Brian and I braced ourselves for the end of the game. The Oregon Duck stopped by and greeted us and I think Brian got a good picture of him. When the game ended, it took 5 seconds for the field to be stormed and filled with kids (and adults). I grabbed my mic and recording gear and hug on for dear life. I would bet there were a couple thousand people on the field - maybe more. I talked to a few kids and got audio, though it was soo loud, I doubt much of it will make the radio. then I spotted the KVAL TV guys with LaMichael James and got my mic up close. So many people were trying to get there, that at one point I was a bit nervous. Tom Ward from KVAL told me later he was trying to keep the crowds from bumping the camera. John Canzano from the Oregonian agreed that it seemed like the WHO concert. It was sooo tight in there it was way intense! I nearly lost my equipment bag at one point but made my way towards the tunnel after seeing a couple other players. Security was great and got me past the fans safely. Whew. By the tunnel I could breath again. Brian and I split up and got audio from as many people as we could. Eventually I settled in and watch some of Coach Kelly's radio interview, and noted a very happy Phil Knight from Nike, standing in the corner.
We headed out and began the long walk to the truck, and then endured the traffic for awhile before hitting I-5 and getting back to the Burg. When I got home and started looking at stats on-line I realized just how big a victory this was over USC. Incredible.
A fun day and one I will honestly never forget! Our apologies again for not making it to the tailgates. We are planning to do a better job with that - especially for Civil War.
Go DUCKS - and keep listening!
Some notes from our time at Autzen:
While it may not rain at Autzen Stadium the parking lot is another matter. It took us 30 minutes longer than normal to actually get in the parking area. Our parking pass didn't help as the lots we could be in were full 2 hours before game time. (I told Brian we should have left sooner...) Given the rain and getting soaked, we bagged trying to find our KQEN listeners who had offered to let us stop by (they were pretty spread out....and we would have gotten wetter....whimps..) - but we did stumble across a few Roseburg folks on the way in anyway.
Upon entering the stadium we saw Basketball Coach Ernie Kent who saw Brian and greeted us. Looked like he had some recruits hanging out with him. We stopped by the Mo Center and watched ESPN radio for a bit and then headed for the press box. The ESPN TV crew actually had security shadowing them the whole game. That was a bit of a suprise. Brian ran into one of the ESPN TV guys during a break and greeted him.
I brought a decibel meter with me and saw a peak of 107 decibels from the pressbox and 106 from the turf. I think the best place to measure was probably the middle of the stands but wasn't able to do that. I see ESPN shows it high on their meter. Anyway you look at it, it was very loud and USC botched some starts due to the noise.
The media is normally allowed on the field the last four minutes, but given the atmosphere and the big victory, we were able to go down sooner. It became clear that security was ready for students to storm the field - and equally clear that there was NO way the kids would be stopped. Brian and I braced ourselves for the end of the game. The Oregon Duck stopped by and greeted us and I think Brian got a good picture of him. When the game ended, it took 5 seconds for the field to be stormed and filled with kids (and adults). I grabbed my mic and recording gear and hug on for dear life. I would bet there were a couple thousand people on the field - maybe more. I talked to a few kids and got audio, though it was soo loud, I doubt much of it will make the radio. then I spotted the KVAL TV guys with LaMichael James and got my mic up close. So many people were trying to get there, that at one point I was a bit nervous. Tom Ward from KVAL told me later he was trying to keep the crowds from bumping the camera. John Canzano from the Oregonian agreed that it seemed like the WHO concert. It was sooo tight in there it was way intense! I nearly lost my equipment bag at one point but made my way towards the tunnel after seeing a couple other players. Security was great and got me past the fans safely. Whew. By the tunnel I could breath again. Brian and I split up and got audio from as many people as we could. Eventually I settled in and watch some of Coach Kelly's radio interview, and noted a very happy Phil Knight from Nike, standing in the corner.
We headed out and began the long walk to the truck, and then endured the traffic for awhile before hitting I-5 and getting back to the Burg. When I got home and started looking at stats on-line I realized just how big a victory this was over USC. Incredible.
A fun day and one I will honestly never forget! Our apologies again for not making it to the tailgates. We are planning to do a better job with that - especially for Civil War.
Go DUCKS - and keep listening!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Truth About The Autzen Experiment
First you need to read Brian's blog. I will wait while you click over there
("Jeopardy" theme running in background while you check his story)
Ok you are back. Now the actual truth:
Brian came in to my office asking about which one of us should drive this time to the game (he is the one with the parking pass too because he is the Duck Baseball guy along with Jerry Allen. I am just, well not...) By the way its his turn to drive.
While ESPN TV is coming early in the morning, ESPN Radio will be there for hours in the Mo Center. Being radio guys, they are more interesting to us anyway. (why watch something you can listen to!). So we were plotting out when to show up when Brian mentioned tailgating.
He suggested we find a way to find some Duck fans from the Burg who are KQEN listeners, to track down. Sounded like a good plan to me. I always like meeting and connecting with listeners. Its one of the reasons I like to emcee Riverbend Live, Wine Festivals and other community events. We value listeners and I think making a personal connection is a great way to do it. So I started working on some produced promos to talk about it and ask for people to email us so we can stop by and meet them and hang out at their tailgate.
Brian has a long term repuation in our industry for liking free food. People in Seattle still talk about it from his days at KIRO Radio. I know the Mariners always plied him with lots of hot dogs and drinks so that he would pay attention and report the games properly. So it was no suprise that Brian seized on the aspect of - free food - when we met KQEN listeners - as his compelling motivation for the promotion. I don't tend to eat much at games, and well you can't swig down too much pop at games or you will be in a very long line to the restroom, possibly missing half a quarter of action. (No wine in the press box btw). At my first game this season, Brian had 9 glasses of Pepsi!
So - email us -, and invite us to stop by your tailgate party at Autzen. We will enjoy meeting you and someone may get a shot at doing something special as part of the fun. Yes, I will be happy to munch on some steak, enjoy an 07 Pinot Noir with you, or perhaps partake in some delectable cheesecake. But my motivation is to bond with you the listener and just stop by and have a bit of fun. Plus we will put pics from our tailgating up on the web on Monday too.
So please let us know where you will be and we will be happy to meet you. Since Brian's doctor has placed him on a restricted diet, hopefully he will not make too much of a fool of himself when it comes to the eating aspect of this otherwise noble and dignified station promotion.
("Jeopardy" theme running in background while you check his story)
Ok you are back. Now the actual truth:
Brian came in to my office asking about which one of us should drive this time to the game (he is the one with the parking pass too because he is the Duck Baseball guy along with Jerry Allen. I am just, well not...) By the way its his turn to drive.
While ESPN TV is coming early in the morning, ESPN Radio will be there for hours in the Mo Center. Being radio guys, they are more interesting to us anyway. (why watch something you can listen to!). So we were plotting out when to show up when Brian mentioned tailgating.
He suggested we find a way to find some Duck fans from the Burg who are KQEN listeners, to track down. Sounded like a good plan to me. I always like meeting and connecting with listeners. Its one of the reasons I like to emcee Riverbend Live, Wine Festivals and other community events. We value listeners and I think making a personal connection is a great way to do it. So I started working on some produced promos to talk about it and ask for people to email us so we can stop by and meet them and hang out at their tailgate.
Brian has a long term repuation in our industry for liking free food. People in Seattle still talk about it from his days at KIRO Radio. I know the Mariners always plied him with lots of hot dogs and drinks so that he would pay attention and report the games properly. So it was no suprise that Brian seized on the aspect of - free food - when we met KQEN listeners - as his compelling motivation for the promotion. I don't tend to eat much at games, and well you can't swig down too much pop at games or you will be in a very long line to the restroom, possibly missing half a quarter of action. (No wine in the press box btw). At my first game this season, Brian had 9 glasses of Pepsi!
So - email us -, and invite us to stop by your tailgate party at Autzen. We will enjoy meeting you and someone may get a shot at doing something special as part of the fun. Yes, I will be happy to munch on some steak, enjoy an 07 Pinot Noir with you, or perhaps partake in some delectable cheesecake. But my motivation is to bond with you the listener and just stop by and have a bit of fun. Plus we will put pics from our tailgating up on the web on Monday too.
So please let us know where you will be and we will be happy to meet you. Since Brian's doctor has placed him on a restricted diet, hopefully he will not make too much of a fool of himself when it comes to the eating aspect of this otherwise noble and dignified station promotion.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Corrigated What ? and other Live Radio bloopers
Well the Morning Report was humming along with morning until - somewhere around 8:13, Bob had a blooper.....A story about the price of Corrigated Boxes being down - and that causing the Millersburg Paper Plant near Albany to closed. Except Bob sort of said..."corrigated boxers"...
Now you should know that Brian is in the main KQEN studio, while Bob and I are in the second studio. We can't see each other, but we use instant messaging to communicate. When Bob had the blooper, I sort of smiled but was busy concentrating and didn't think much ab0ut it. But when Brian started typing some tasteful but hilarious wise-cracks during my next story, I had to work hard to "hang on" and maintain focus. We got into the break just fine and Brian took off with his sports cast.
Bob and I had a few minutes off air, so we had pretty much recovered. Until right before the weather forecast, when Brian typed another wisecrack, and I started to fall apart. Bob got part way through the weather and then lost it. Brian came on air and saved the day. I turned our mics off and died into a heap of laughter. After a few minutes we were fine.
Now professional news people are supposed to be able to "keep it together" and we usually do. Every once in awhile though - some things are just too funny. Hopefully you hear "real people" behind the mics.
Now Bob - about that investigative reporting trip to the Cardboard plant...................
Now you should know that Brian is in the main KQEN studio, while Bob and I are in the second studio. We can't see each other, but we use instant messaging to communicate. When Bob had the blooper, I sort of smiled but was busy concentrating and didn't think much ab0ut it. But when Brian started typing some tasteful but hilarious wise-cracks during my next story, I had to work hard to "hang on" and maintain focus. We got into the break just fine and Brian took off with his sports cast.
Bob and I had a few minutes off air, so we had pretty much recovered. Until right before the weather forecast, when Brian typed another wisecrack, and I started to fall apart. Bob got part way through the weather and then lost it. Brian came on air and saved the day. I turned our mics off and died into a heap of laughter. After a few minutes we were fine.
Now professional news people are supposed to be able to "keep it together" and we usually do. Every once in awhile though - some things are just too funny. Hopefully you hear "real people" behind the mics.
Now Bob - about that investigative reporting trip to the Cardboard plant...................
Monday, October 19, 2009
Without Duck games for a couple Saturdays, I am behind updating this!
Fall is obviously here. Finally some rain (though I am still not a fan of rain..), and cooler temperatures. Fall sports for kids (explaining all the mileage on the mini van) and - did I just produce a commercial with Christmas music in it?? (yes....!).
Flu is sure the hot topic of the moment. Having a High Schooler home sick today with something else, brings the issue closer to home. Guess its time we all got shots! (no I am NOT suggesting a live feature on Inside Douglas County....or am I?)
Bike riding now appears on the back burner, though I am watching for dry days to ride. So far, dry weather and a busy schedule have not allowed a ride.
This Saturday Dave Ramsey is in Portland and we are giving away passes for listeners to attend, so keep listening.
Fall is obviously here. Finally some rain (though I am still not a fan of rain..), and cooler temperatures. Fall sports for kids (explaining all the mileage on the mini van) and - did I just produce a commercial with Christmas music in it?? (yes....!).
Flu is sure the hot topic of the moment. Having a High Schooler home sick today with something else, brings the issue closer to home. Guess its time we all got shots! (no I am NOT suggesting a live feature on Inside Douglas County....or am I?)
Bike riding now appears on the back burner, though I am watching for dry days to ride. So far, dry weather and a busy schedule have not allowed a ride.
This Saturday Dave Ramsey is in Portland and we are giving away passes for listeners to attend, so keep listening.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Another Duck Blog
Wow...quite a blowout in Eugene Saturday night. Again Brian Prawitz and I dutifully manned the pressbox representing Roseburg! Some notes:
Number of times Brian got Pepsi - lost count
Susan - a friend from Eugene was selling ice cream with her daughter (their sports team gets money that way) - ice cream sales not high in this weather!
Horizon Air plane flyover with the Duck Plane just before kickoff - wow!
At 3:24 left in the first I took the last cookie from the press buffet table
My original prediction 34-7 (ooops!)
I like the way the Ducks hightlight other sports during football games - glad to see the Cross Country program honored today!
9:23 in the 2nd - smoke from the east - we never did figure out where it came from.
In the 2nd half -Brian had 2 apple bars and coffee
Kyle had one ( minding the diet...sort of)
On the field after the game, Brian and I almost stepped on the tail of the WSU Mascot...really it was an accident(!)
Final Score 52-6 What a nice night for the backup guys to get some good playing time.
Uniforms - Gary Stevens in section 23 called it the Bumblebee look - seemed to go over well with the crowd.
Everyone pretty happy in the locker room obviously!
With 2 games on the road and a bye week, we are not back until the USC game on Halloween night. Now why do I think this will be a giant Eugene block party!
Go Ducks!
Number of times Brian got Pepsi - lost count
Susan - a friend from Eugene was selling ice cream with her daughter (their sports team gets money that way) - ice cream sales not high in this weather!
Horizon Air plane flyover with the Duck Plane just before kickoff - wow!
At 3:24 left in the first I took the last cookie from the press buffet table
My original prediction 34-7 (ooops!)
I like the way the Ducks hightlight other sports during football games - glad to see the Cross Country program honored today!
9:23 in the 2nd - smoke from the east - we never did figure out where it came from.
In the 2nd half -Brian had 2 apple bars and coffee
Kyle had one ( minding the diet...sort of)
On the field after the game, Brian and I almost stepped on the tail of the WSU Mascot...really it was an accident(!)
Final Score 52-6 What a nice night for the backup guys to get some good playing time.
Uniforms - Gary Stevens in section 23 called it the Bumblebee look - seemed to go over well with the crowd.
Everyone pretty happy in the locker room obviously!
With 2 games on the road and a bye week, we are not back until the USC game on Halloween night. Now why do I think this will be a giant Eugene block party!
Go Ducks!
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wow. Unless you have been in a cave east of Tiller, you know the Oregon Ducks played one of their best games in years today - routing the number 6 team Cal - 42-3.
Again this week Brian Prawitz and I sat in the midst of the press box to catch all the action.
Some random notes:
Cals only score - 5:55 left in the first, and only a FG that shouldn't have gone in.
Brian's Pepsi spilled with 6 min left in the first
Brian went back to get more Pepsi - 5 times. (and had less trips to the restroom than last week....oh never mind)
Brian tried to go in the wrong restroom with 5:43 in the 2nd ( don't ask....)
The Oriental chicken and rice was awesome today in the Press Box. (no they don't serve wine..)
Cal Mascot (a bear of course) looks really sad - (even without the huge loss). I hope he doesn't have to wear the costume on the plane home. Its pretty second a bad church drama program.
Its a long walk back up the "hill" from visting friends in row two of section 28. Was thankful for the Press Elevator
The crowd was so jazzed by the score that the "WAVE" started at the beginning of the fourth quarter.
I went back for popcorn three times
Highlight - being on the field at the end and in the Duck locker room, as Brian talked to a few of the players. A distinguished looking guy was in the room too but I couldn't place him - Phil Knight sound familiar?
It doesn't get any better than today
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday with the Ducks

This year I plan to spend more time at Oregon Duck games. This Saturday was great fun, especially as Oregon beat the team with the longest winning streak in college football.
A few notes from sitting in the press box along side Brian Prawitz:
Time it takes from our seats in the pressbox (front row I might add!), to food and drink - 10 seconds
Time it takes from the average fan seat to food and drink - 10 minutes
Chance of getting wet from our seats - almost none, but watch that wind with stat sheets.
Chance of getting wet from fan seats - officially none (it never rains at Autzen....) but...on Saturday there was some liquid something coming down for awhile.
Number of times Brian got up to get more Pepsi - 9 (btw the wind took Brian's Pepsi and spilled it with 8:51 left in the 2nd)
Number of times Brian got up to go to the restroom - uh never mind
Number of times I got up to get lemon bars - 3
I left with 3 minutes on the clock to beat the rush and hit the road to emcee at Melrose Vineyards. Incredibly I got to the truck in time to hear the last play on the radio, then hit the freeway back to the Burg. A really fun day chatting with some media friends from Portland and Eugene as well. The press box is like a weekly class reunion sometimes.
Next Saturday I hope to do it all over again.
A few notes from sitting in the press box along side Brian Prawitz:
Time it takes from our seats in the pressbox (front row I might add!), to food and drink - 10 seconds
Time it takes from the average fan seat to food and drink - 10 minutes
Chance of getting wet from our seats - almost none, but watch that wind with stat sheets.
Chance of getting wet from fan seats - officially none (it never rains at Autzen....) but...on Saturday there was some liquid something coming down for awhile.
Number of times Brian got up to get more Pepsi - 9 (btw the wind took Brian's Pepsi and spilled it with 8:51 left in the 2nd)
Number of times Brian got up to go to the restroom - uh never mind
Number of times I got up to get lemon bars - 3
I left with 3 minutes on the clock to beat the rush and hit the road to emcee at Melrose Vineyards. Incredibly I got to the truck in time to hear the last play on the radio, then hit the freeway back to the Burg. A really fun day chatting with some media friends from Portland and Eugene as well. The press box is like a weekly class reunion sometimes.
Next Saturday I hope to do it all over again.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Getting Old
Well it has happened.
No - nothing that was a suprise. But a big moment none the less. I was on the air Monday afternoon when the email came in - "your daughter has a license". I practically choked as I was on live, with my email box open.
I knew this was coming. Michaela did great in Drivers Ed over the summer. Teacher Mike Pardon and the others, appear to have kept all their hair. My wife tells me she is doing fine, even my mother - who let her drive the "Grandma car" thought her driving was fine. I have ridden with her a few times and thought she was making progress. Still the reality was a bit of a shock. No we have not bought her a car. In this economy, not sure its going to happen soon. Oh and there is insurance too...yet another bill to add to the pile.
All that aside - I have gotten mixed responses. One friend asked when she was driving so he could stay off Harvard at that time. Another tells me that we are approaching freedom - when she drives herself to an event. (presuming she has a car!)
All I know is that it was a strange feeling to send her out for Ice Cream....and wait....and wait...and wait...for her to come back. (yes she did come and sound)
Is that a grey hair I see?
No - nothing that was a suprise. But a big moment none the less. I was on the air Monday afternoon when the email came in - "your daughter has a license". I practically choked as I was on live, with my email box open.
I knew this was coming. Michaela did great in Drivers Ed over the summer. Teacher Mike Pardon and the others, appear to have kept all their hair. My wife tells me she is doing fine, even my mother - who let her drive the "Grandma car" thought her driving was fine. I have ridden with her a few times and thought she was making progress. Still the reality was a bit of a shock. No we have not bought her a car. In this economy, not sure its going to happen soon. Oh and there is insurance too...yet another bill to add to the pile.
All that aside - I have gotten mixed responses. One friend asked when she was driving so he could stay off Harvard at that time. Another tells me that we are approaching freedom - when she drives herself to an event. (presuming she has a car!)
All I know is that it was a strange feeling to send her out for Ice Cream....and wait....and wait...and wait...for her to come back. (yes she did come and sound)
Is that a grey hair I see?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Aug 23
Its Sunday...I am in the office playing catch up and dealing with a few projects...
I keep noticing a few things - "back to school, football, and cooler temperatures coming" are phrases coming out of people's mouth more and more. Say it isn't so - I would like one more month of summer please. Email your public officials and lets see if we can do something in that regard!
Yesterday I dug up a several foot section of the backyard chasing down a sprinkler system problem. Now I remember why I work in an office....darned hard work!
On a brighter note: The first Music In The Vines was a great success Thursday night. Join us again this Thursday at Melrose Vineyards - great music, food and wine available. The new events center is just delightful....
Well.....enjoy the week....I think it will be a busy one....keep the radio on and we will keep telling you whats going on. Thanks for listening to News radio 1240 KQEN
I keep noticing a few things - "back to school, football, and cooler temperatures coming" are phrases coming out of people's mouth more and more. Say it isn't so - I would like one more month of summer please. Email your public officials and lets see if we can do something in that regard!
Yesterday I dug up a several foot section of the backyard chasing down a sprinkler system problem. Now I remember why I work in an office....darned hard work!
On a brighter note: The first Music In The Vines was a great success Thursday night. Join us again this Thursday at Melrose Vineyards - great music, food and wine available. The new events center is just delightful....
Well.....enjoy the week....I think it will be a busy one....keep the radio on and we will keep telling you whats going on. Thanks for listening to News radio 1240 KQEN
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
August 12th
I'm sitting there, glass of Pinot Noir in hand, chatting with a new friend, when out of my side vision I see some commotion on the stage. Emcee Kelly Leonard comes to his mic, and on stage someone yells for the Emcee mic to be turned on. Then Kelly makes the announcement thats going to be etched in my brain for a long time: "....There is a bomb threat, we have to evacuate the park, please leave immediately..." From most accounts there was about 30 seconds of "deer in the headlights" as Kelly continued talking and slowly - then rapidly -as people understood and began to gather their stuff and head for the parking lot. I made a quick call to Brian Prawitz, who ironically, was just walking into the park when the situation started to unfold. As my wife and I decided how we were leaving, I picked up Randy Wesson from our sister station, Best Country 103, who was also at the show with his girlfriend. We then joined the slow procession out of the park. I tried to cross towards Harvard on the Green Bridge, which was closed for awhile, apparently due to initial security concerns. Instead we were directed through the VA and onto Garden Valley. After dropping my family off, I headed to the station where Brian joined me Live on air for a report, followed by a live report from Sgt Dunbar, who was in Stewart Park.
We felt the situation warrented doing special coverage to make sure everyone listening understood what was going on, according to the information the Police had available.
Later in the evening, it became clear how new technology affected the situation. People were posting on Facebook as they left the park, and I was told by one Half Shell Committee Member, that they had comments on the situation from outside the US within minutes. Jonatha Brooke posted on her website as well - with some great thoughts (you should read them!). People from out of town started to contact me on Facebook or via cell phone. It was as if the whole town was upset - even folks who were not at the concert.
While we wait for official word on the outcome from the Police, some thanks are in order. Thanks to the Roseburg Police and the Half Shell Committee for doing the right thing, in the right way, even though it was a punch in the stomach to have to stop the show. Thanks to the crowd for being orderly and following instructions. Thanks to the other Police agencies who came into the city to help. Thanks to the vendors, who probably lost money and had to throw out uneaten food due to the quick exit. Thanks to Jonatha Brooke, who I am told, cried as she left the stage, and headed back to her hotel.
So lets take a deep breath, regroup, and come to Music On The Halfshell again next week. Lets let the season end with another awesome show and a reunited community. Don't let the bad guys win.
We felt the situation warrented doing special coverage to make sure everyone listening understood what was going on, according to the information the Police had available.
Later in the evening, it became clear how new technology affected the situation. People were posting on Facebook as they left the park, and I was told by one Half Shell Committee Member, that they had comments on the situation from outside the US within minutes. Jonatha Brooke posted on her website as well - with some great thoughts (you should read them!). People from out of town started to contact me on Facebook or via cell phone. It was as if the whole town was upset - even folks who were not at the concert.
While we wait for official word on the outcome from the Police, some thanks are in order. Thanks to the Roseburg Police and the Half Shell Committee for doing the right thing, in the right way, even though it was a punch in the stomach to have to stop the show. Thanks to the crowd for being orderly and following instructions. Thanks to the other Police agencies who came into the city to help. Thanks to the vendors, who probably lost money and had to throw out uneaten food due to the quick exit. Thanks to Jonatha Brooke, who I am told, cried as she left the stage, and headed back to her hotel.
So lets take a deep breath, regroup, and come to Music On The Halfshell again next week. Lets let the season end with another awesome show and a reunited community. Don't let the bad guys win.
Monday, August 10, 2009
August 10th
I can't believe that its already mid-August! Where has the summer gone? Last week was a great Douglas County Fair - its always fun to get outside and meet people who listen. While I am on a diet, I did enjoy a few fair food items - which were delectable! Some great music at the fair last week too, my favorite was Huey Lewis and The News.
Summer is still here so get out enjoy it before school starts! I am hoping for lots more bike rides while the sun is out.
Summer is still here so get out enjoy it before school starts! I am hoping for lots more bike rides while the sun is out.
Monday, July 20, 2009
July 20th blog
First off - thanks to everyone for a great time on Saturday with the Pepsi Float. We had over 1,000 floaters enjoying the sunshine and hot temps. Thanks to Pepsi, Sherms Thunderbird and Umpqua Dairy for making this happen. Thanks also to Marv and the rest of the guys in Slowpoke - they played non stop for over 3 hours - good stuff.
You have been hearing about the Idaho soldier captured by the Taliban in Afganistan. Here is a link to a Facebook site set up by friends in Idaho:
Bring Bowe Bergdahl Home Lets post some good thoughts and prayers as we hope for the best in this trying situation.
Finally on a personal note - I rode 35 miles on my bike Sunday and also made it up the big 3 mile Lookingglass Hill... Yahoo.
You have been hearing about the Idaho soldier captured by the Taliban in Afganistan. Here is a link to a Facebook site set up by friends in Idaho:
Bring Bowe Bergdahl Home Lets post some good thoughts and prayers as we hope for the best in this trying situation.
Finally on a personal note - I rode 35 miles on my bike Sunday and also made it up the big 3 mile Lookingglass Hill... Yahoo.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Blog 43
I am writing this two hours after the incredible Shemekia Copeland show at Riverbend Live. Huge crowd for the venue and people so affected that they were in tears. Shemekia's blues were incredible, the band was awesome and the audience responded. If you didn't go, ask anyone who did - people will be talking about this one for a long time. Backstage they were laid back personable fun people - no one looking for "rock star treatment", just wanting to do a good show. The highlight was clearly Shemekia walking through the crowd, without a microphone, belting out a 50 year old blues song written by her late father. She hugged people, smiled, even accepted offers of fresh fruit, a cold beer, and a flower from a child. ...all while the song continued with the band still playing on stage. In all my years of emceeing, I have never seen anything quite like it.
She stayed late chatting with people and signing CDs. She seemed to like the local folks who turned out. Being back stage, I knew the band had to drive back to Portland, sleep for 2-3 hours, get to the airport, catch an early flight, fly to New Mexico, and drive over 2 hours before their next show Saturday night. Yet no one was in a hurry to leave. Incredible.
A side note for me: I got to help be a roadie and move the hammond B-3 organ the band used for the evening. These instruments are very heavy, worth alot, and almost like a museum piece.....a work of art unduplicated with modern instruments. To be trusted to help move it was an honor honestly.
Okay I will stop now. Except to add that my youngest girl drew a picture for Shemekia during the show. Shemekia looked at it, read everything on both sides of the paper, and smiled, getting a bit choked up in the process. Wow - honest human emotion. What a night to remember.
Thanks to everyone for coming out and all those who sponsor Riverbend Live. Its a great privlege to help make the shows happen on Friday nights.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Blog 42
Thanks for everyone for coming to the 4 week run of Movies in the Park with the City and U.S. Cellular. Our biggest crowd came out last Friday night for "Grease". Thanks to car club for bringing some fun cars over for us to look at. While I did not emcee in a poodleskirt (a dare by Half Shell's Bob Cotterell) the evening was still alot of fun. Games for kids, some dancers, free Pepsi and Popcorn and the movie made for a great event. It sounds likely this will become an annual tradition in Roseburg.
Half Shell, Riverbend Live, the fair, Myrtle Creek's music in the park, wineries, Wildlife Safari....who said there is nothing to do around here!
Half Shell, Riverbend Live, the fair, Myrtle Creek's music in the park, wineries, Wildlife Safari....who said there is nothing to do around here!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Blog 41
Wow another weekend is over. Why do I feel more tired after the weekend than I do during the week? Well partly because summer is a busy time for helping with events and I worked on a couple this past weekend. It was great to see Movies In The Park with over 1,000 people in only its second week ever. So many in the community are helping this series be a great success. Now we switch to Friday with the showing of "Charlotte's Web" this Friday.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Blog 40
Wow what a fun day - a short workday for us overall - the ceremony at the VA Cemetary - a bbq, no make that two bbqs and a 26 mile bike ride! Finished off with a crisp glass of White Zinfandel!
Oh and throw in a Nugget win in the NBA playoffs - an awesome win.
Tuesday we announce the Riverbend Live Lineup for this summer. Listen to the radio and watch the website for more information. As many of you know, I am on the Riverbend Live board and committee and serve as the Emcee on Friday nights in July. Really a looking foward to this summer's lineup.
Also - btw I am helping at the Movies in the Park with the City of Roseburg and US Cellular starting soon. Even more summer time fun in the Burg.
Yahoo - summer is almost here!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Blog 39
Okay its been awhile since I have posted on here. The last few weeks have been pedal to the metal for me - between work, kids and more its an especially busy time of the year.
We are on the edge of summer - I can't believe Memorial Day is less than a week away. Half Shell, Riverbend Live, and now Movies In The Park too - plus lots more. Yard work seems more important (thanks Mike Winters!), and I have been doing better at knocking out some miles on the bicycle (10 miles in the heat yesterday).
Well back to work - news is calling.
We are on the edge of summer - I can't believe Memorial Day is less than a week away. Half Shell, Riverbend Live, and now Movies In The Park too - plus lots more. Yard work seems more important (thanks Mike Winters!), and I have been doing better at knocking out some miles on the bicycle (10 miles in the heat yesterday).
Well back to work - news is calling.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Blog 38
Its Monday! An all too short weekend is over and here we go again. Besides watching soccer games, working, and a few other things, the hours slipped by all too quickly. This week promises to be a busy one. From soldiers getting ready to leave, to the Costco hearing and more there will be lots of news to cover.....oh and don't forget the swine flu too. Well its time for the news so this blog will be short. TGIM (??!)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Blog 37
I am writing this from Shilo in Beaverton after the Associated Press Broadcast Awards: KQEN won (in division two -all station outside of Portland)
Best Breaking News
Best NewsCast
Overall Excellence Award
Plus - 2nd place in Breaking news
and 2nd place in Sports Reporting
Yahoo! More details on off to find a jazz club!
Best Breaking News
Best NewsCast
Overall Excellence Award
Plus - 2nd place in Breaking news
and 2nd place in Sports Reporting
Yahoo! More details on off to find a jazz club!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Blog 36
This blog will be different than any I have written. This - to say goodbye to someone I did not know personally. But yet someone who had a huge impact on me, particularly during my time in Portland. Les Sarnoff, longtime host at KINK FM in Portland died on Friday of cancer. I never met Les, and never worked at KINK during my time in Portland area radio. However the impact remains. For those of you unfamiliar, KINK is a somewhat electric rock station in Portland...which has evolved since its "underground" days in the late 60s. Its still highly popular across many age groups. Les did mornings for much of a 30 year time span. He was always pleasant to listen having an old friend stop by for your morning coffee at home. While my style on air is certainly different, I did glean from Les the need to converse with the listener one on one. As I worked my way around in radio up north, I kept listening and learning and Les was one of those people I drew ideas from. Later as I gained friends who had worked with Les, I learned even more: his incredible work ethic (coming in at 2am to be ready to be on air at 5am!) and his involvement in things his listeners cared about. He emceed many concerts, and non-profit events and cared about their success. His final gift - from a man who made sure to be involved in his listener's lives - was letting us be involved in his sickness. Les posted numerous blogs on the KINK website explaining his treatment, options, and hope for surviving stage four cancer. I checked the site often....and the insight was incredible. He could have easily said goodbye on air and just many often do. But his positive attitude about beating the disease caused him to again share with the listeners and readers.
Did I meet him? - no. Did I talk to him? - no. But did I listen to him? Oh you bet I did. And I will be listening to Les for years to come.
Kyle Bailey
Program Director
News Radio 1240 KQEN - Roseburg
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Blog 35
I just read that other blog (Brian's), and it made me think of something: "Why I still live in Roseburg". Now I am not stealing Brian's thunder, but we are both on the same page about this community. In fact so is all our staff. At KQEN and Brooke Communications, we have an office full of people who have deep roots in the area. Some have lived here forever, several of us have "come back" to Roseburg, and most tend to eventually realize how much they like it and why they would be nuts to leave. When I moved here in 1988 to work at another media outlet, I planned to stay "a year or two". I considered offers back in "the big city" and looked at possibilities at other bigger places. Eventually I immigrated to Brooke Communications and the more I got plugged in to things, the less I wanted to leave. There is something to be said for a short commute, lower cost of living and making long term friendships.
So here I still am. KQEN is becoming more successful that ever- its great to see the impact we are having with a mix of local news and talk, and best in talk from Rush, Lars, Dave Ramsey and more. Lots of excellent reasons to like Roseburg. So keep listening...and we'll keep working hard to make the station even better! Thoughts? Email me:
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Blog 34
What a great wknd in the Umpqua Valley! Enjoying the sun with soccer games, a motorcycle event at Stewart Park, and the Bull Riding event at the fairgrounds. Yes that was our own Bob Larson on a uh donkey (no bull) while our friends down the hall on Best Country 103 rode actual bulls. Bossman Mike Carter (a real cowboy) did the best while Randy and Ashley were seen limping our of the arena. Brian Prawitz provided play by play, while I wisely sat quietly in the stands. A fun night. Hopefully the rest of the wknd is equally fun! Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Blog 33
Tomorrow morning - I will be interviewing former Republican Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee. Listen for our Morning Conversation at 8:30. Huckabee is now on KQEN three times a day with his five minute commentaries. Make sure you are listening!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Blog 32
When our receptionist told me at 9:08 that Brian wanted On Air right away....I knew what lie ahead.... Brian was at the Sheriff's office for the Press Conference regarding the remains found recently near Glide. The Sheriff had only been talking for a few if Brian was calling now, our gut feeling was probably correct. Indeed - those remains are those of Stephanie Condon, missing since 1998. Much of the rest of the day was spent on the story, while Brian had to head north to handle the Ducks Broadcast from Eugene. For media people (most anyway) days like this are very complex emotionally. There is so much to do, you have to really hustle to do a good job on the story. And as new developments came up (Hill's arrest) you are sometimes scrambling to get the facts in the time frame you have. I have my own version of short at times today portions of the story were scribbled on post its until I could get onto a computer in the studio. During all this hustle, I found myself trying to relate on how I would handle something similiar. And around 11:30 I wondered if I was going to get through the noon news without - dare I say it - getting choked up on air. It was the hardest story to write I have done in a few years. I noted some of my friends in other media were also affected by it as well. The story continues to evolve and we will do our best to cover it.
But as a parent - my heart goes out to the Condons tonight. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Blog 31
Wow Spring Break is already here. For me that means half my family is gone, with the Roseburg Soccer Association U-18 Girls team - The Fury, as they play soccer in Italy. While I have not actually gotten a text or call, I presume at this point that all is well. Given the cost of calling, there will be little of that during this trip! If we get pictures from the team during the trip, we'll do our best to get them up on the KQEN website.
I have mowed my lawn in the last 24 hours, for spring must officially be here. For those of you on break - ENJOY - for the rest of us, keep on keeping on!
I have mowed my lawn in the last 24 hours, for spring must officially be here. For those of you on break - ENJOY - for the rest of us, keep on keeping on!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Blog 30
Have you been outside really early lately? Filling in part of the time for Brian (on the road with the Ducks) has been interesting. You see the world differently. Less traffic, more frost (!), and a different perspective. Its particularly interesting to be outside around 5am looking out towards the Arts Center and Soccer Complex across the street. This morning with the dense fog it was like a scene out of a movie. Kinda of spooky, kind of fun.
One of the best parts of the early mornings? Espresso at 4am! Now thats life.
One of the best parts of the early mornings? Espresso at 4am! Now thats life.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Post 29
Well is it just me, or is Spring almost here? While its been cold at night (and I even saw snow on Rose Mt this morning) days are getting warmer, with the potential to be back in the 60s later this week. I love spring - the growth of the plants, the longer days and general happier attitude. Oh I know, its Oregon, and anything is possible with the weather. But still we are less than two weeks away from the official start of spring. Yahoo!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Blog 28
Its Friday! (Wish I could say that like Paul Harvey did) Its been a long week for many of you in the Umpqua Valley. So this is just a simple note to say - take a deep breath, enjoy your family and friends this weekend, and have some fun!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Blog 27
As I write, its Saturday night 2/28 around 6:45pm. I am at the station running the ABC Special on the life of Paul Harvey. Paul died earlier today. I am at a loss for words to say how it affects me. I have been literally listening to Paul Harvey my whole life. I remember mornings at home in Roseburg, then Baker City, the Medford, then Portland. Paul Harvey was part of the family ritual in the morning. I normally missed the noon 15 minute cast while at school, but remember very clearly that in our house - at noon on Saturday, there was silence in the house - because Paul Harvey was talking and everyone listened. This was a solid rule in our family growing up. One of the thee most steadfast rules I remember from growing up. When Paul Harvey is talking, be quiet and listen! All these years in radio, and KQEN is the first station I worked at that aired Paul Harvey. But I often listened while working in other places. Doing the news the past few years, I have paid more attention to how Paul Harvey produces a show. His writing style was clearly unique and he communicated like none other. Just now I heard Charles Osgood on our news talking about working for ABC in the past. He said the same thing I wrote earlier. When Paul Harvey was on, his newsroom was quiet as everyone listened. Amazing the affect one man has had on our industry and on many lives. How did Paul Harvey affect you? Email me and let me know. Be listening for more on KQEN honoring Paul Harvey.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Blog 26
This week promises to be an interesting one. More financial data is coming out about the current situation we find ourselves in. Its going to be rainy all week, which doesn't help with the gloom many are feeling. While college baseball has started, will they be able to get their games in this Friday through Sunday? Oh and its Civil War two in basketball - I am sure hoping to go to this one! And how many new years resolutions, have I not broken repeatedly?
Sit back and enjoy the week - and keep the radio on for the latest information!
Sit back and enjoy the week - and keep the radio on for the latest information!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Blog 25
Well in all my years this has never happened. I was turned down for giving blood tonight. Seems my blood pressure was a ways over the acceptable limits....I have given blood off and on for years and never ever had a problem. So now what?
Blog 24
This morning I went to the Dentist, and this afternoon I am interviewing U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley. One person asked which appointment would be more painful. Ouch! One of my favorite things about the news end of my job is getting to talk to the officials who make things happen.. Whether its City Councilors, State Reps, or even our three U.S. congressional delegation members, I always enjoy getting them behind the mic. Whether you personally agree with our government officials or not, remember - they are people. I honestly think most are trying to do the right thing, of course the disagreement is - what is the right thing!! Being in politics, you are always "ON". One staff person told me his bosses schedule is in ten minute sections all day. Those "days" often last 12-15 hours too! Thankfully Blackberrys, wi-fi and all the new technology helps them keep working while they are moving from meeting to meeting. So whether you agree with a politician or not, take a step back and remember - he or she probably has a family, bills and as many problems as you. In these tough times, their job isn't easy.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Blog 23
Someone said I hadn't written for awhile. And they were right. With all the sickness going around, we have had staff gone every day for eons, so we are all covering a bit extra sometimes. Makes me wish cloning were futher along...then I could find a clone to do some of my work (for free of course!)
This is a weird time....spitting snow and ice one morning, nice the next. Basketball still going yet baseball almost starting (For the new Duck team only 9 days away). People trying to plan spring break, others trying to figure out how to pay to keep school going till the end of the year.
We seem to be facing challenges not seen in many years. Just a few years ago the economy was going strong, everyone was making money and problems seemed few. Now almost the opposite.
All I can say today is "hang in there".
This is a weird time....spitting snow and ice one morning, nice the next. Basketball still going yet baseball almost starting (For the new Duck team only 9 days away). People trying to plan spring break, others trying to figure out how to pay to keep school going till the end of the year.
We seem to be facing challenges not seen in many years. Just a few years ago the economy was going strong, everyone was making money and problems seemed few. Now almost the opposite.
All I can say today is "hang in there".
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Blog 22
Well its quieter in Roseburg today. Late yesterday afternoon we heard that the hard rockin alternative/indie band Buck Cherry was having dinner in the Burg. Since they are playing in Portland Friday night, and their music isn't quite my "scene", I didn't think too much about it. Late in the evening though I walked into Fred Meyer and was told "you just missed them..". Then I started wondering what was up. Apparently for some reason the band spent the afternoon, evening, and overnight here in Roseburg. I have had reports of Buck Cherry being at one of the malls, of course Fred Meyer, Dutch Bros and just out for a walk taking pictures on Garden Valley Blvd. Early this morning they left, according to their website they were bound for Yakima before the Portland stop tomorrow.
So some of you could care less, others will ask your kids and find out they probably know the band. While dinner and gas stops in the Burg with celebrities happen fairly often I am told (just ask restaurants near the exits) a group spending the night is a rarity. They could have gone farther north and had a shorter drive today, so why stop here? I am guessing they just wanted a little peace and quiet and to not be noticed much for awhile.
In any event it was fasinating... maybe one day we will get a former President or major candidate to stop in our little town. Oh wait, that happened too!
So some of you could care less, others will ask your kids and find out they probably know the band. While dinner and gas stops in the Burg with celebrities happen fairly often I am told (just ask restaurants near the exits) a group spending the night is a rarity. They could have gone farther north and had a shorter drive today, so why stop here? I am guessing they just wanted a little peace and quiet and to not be noticed much for awhile.
In any event it was fasinating... maybe one day we will get a former President or major candidate to stop in our little town. Oh wait, that happened too!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Blog 21
Is spring really here? By the time you read this it could be raining again I know. But the recent amount of nice weather has picked up people's spirits it seems. During these tough times, its good to know that indeed "the sun will come out tomorrow". For me that means a little yardwork, and trying to knock out some miles on the newer bike. My goal of course is to get into better shape and shed a few pounds. Riding also clears my mind of things which is good. I do however take the cell along just in case I see "breaking news" (or get hit by a car and need help lol). My friend Kelly Leonard has challenged me to a real long ride or two this year (Seattle to Portland), but we'll see how the schedule of life plays into some of these big events. Anyway, enjoy the sun while its here and if you are out driving, don't run over me on the bike!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Blog 20
Well a wild ride but a win for Troy and the Steelers. This game gave me great anxiety especially in that fourth quarter. In chatting with some old friends who are out of state, they were shocked to discover the Troy Polamalu is a local kid. Small town Oregon doesn't seem to get alot of press in that regard. I hope you'll help us Monday morning with a donation for SMART as Brian puts on the chicken suit for the entire Morning Report from 7-9. Brian will be outside in the cold while I anchor from in the studio. The chicken will accept cash or checks.
Look for pics later in the day on the website. And way to go Steelers!
Look for pics later in the day on the website. And way to go Steelers!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Blog 19
Wow.....its 9pm...I am enjoying a dark beverage and relaxing after the RHS/S Medford Boys game.... Prawitz and my friend Jeff Bright said its the best we have played all season, but still we came up on the low side of the score. Roseburg led till there was about 3 minutes left in the third quarter then South turned more to Singler and it started to slip away. I'll leave the rest of the sports commentary to Brian who is the true expert. Some observations from other angles though: Sitting in the 2nd row right behind the bench is the best seat in the house for me. I can hear both coaches and some of the players and even the officials but it also forces me to not yell at calls I don't like (that loud radio voice stands out when I whine, or so I have been told!). The only down side tonight was two times when balls were heading towards my head! It was great to see a bigger crowd there tonight too (but a bunch of you parked in the fire lane or in other no parking areas!! eek!). I love the intensity of basketball when you are so close you feel like you are in the game. My occasional tickets to Duck games are good seats but no where near feeling like you are "in" the game. I am looking foward to being back at RHS Friday night....hopefully in the 2nd row again! I hope you'll be there too.
Blog 18
Well we missed again. While scoping around in the news world this morning I realized its snowing in Portland (again!). While its not expected to stick around long, it frustrated me. I would love see Douglas County (specifically Roseburg) get a few inches, but it never seems to happen. Us city dwellers miss out, though I know those of you in Melrose and Camas Valley get alot more. Some of you remember the big storm in I am not hoping for 3 feet of the stuff...but a few inches in town would be nice. Enough to brighten people up from our current economic doom and gloom for a day or two....maybe close school for a day, crank out some hot chocolate and get some sledding in. We in radio love snow days, because listenership goes up and the phones and website get hit hard. Those days are highlights for all of us here, but that aside the snow would be good for everyone's mood.
So please call your congressman or the mayor, and lets get some snow in the Burg!
BTW- Don't forget to support SMART, when the chicken reappears next Monday after the Super Bowl. The chicken suit and its occupant (likely Brian) will be in front of the BCI complex from 7-9am with live comments from the chicken on air. Stop by on your way to work and drop off some cash or a check for SMART and help the chicken out.
So please call your congressman or the mayor, and lets get some snow in the Burg!
BTW- Don't forget to support SMART, when the chicken reappears next Monday after the Super Bowl. The chicken suit and its occupant (likely Brian) will be in front of the BCI complex from 7-9am with live comments from the chicken on air. Stop by on your way to work and drop off some cash or a check for SMART and help the chicken out.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Blog 17
Well its Monday......and here we are 6 days into a new administration and with December financial data still coming out. Makes for uncertain times for sure. Well have a big drink of espresso and lets make it the best day it can be. And listen later today because someone will win a new computer in the New Years Promotion on Know Your News!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Blog 16
So nothing to do this wknd? Lets see - Bulls and Barrels at the Fairgrounds, Amanda Richards at the Showroom, cleaning up my yard....oh wait...well two out of three.
The rain may keep me off the bike but otherwise there is plenty to do. Enjoy your wknd and whatever you are doing keep the radio on for News and Talk all weekend long!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Blog 15
Congrats to the RHS boys basketball team who won a close one last night. I was at home eating dinner, and when I heard they charged off to a 7-0 lead, I dropped the pizza and headed for the school. The rest of the game was very close..but in the end the boys won.
Basketball is not the only sports going on of course....teams are getting ready for Spring Soccer! "Spring"...can you believe it....! However we have to do something about this fog! Its getting depressing.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Blog 14
A Change Is Here! A new President is taking office today amidst ample pomp and celebration. For a political science junkie like me, the events and the transition of power is bigger than whether you like the new President or voted for him. When many countries change leaders its often with guns and tanks in the streets. With all its flaws we have a system here that works pretty well.
So regardless of your party or voting pattern enjoy the day with awe. Tomorrow the the work begins.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Blog 13
Well its Pittsburgh and Arizona for the Super Bowl...a match, I might add, that I predicted while the sports experts in the building saw it differently, but I was right, so HA!
Within moments of the end of the Steelers game, I began getting emails from listeners asking about about the annual bet between Brian Prawitz and Jared Castle of ODOT. Yes the bet is on again, with Brian going for Arizona and Jared wisely picking Douglas County's
Troy P. and the Steelers. You can help by making a donation to us to go to Douglas County SMART (Start Making A Reader Today). The loser will be in front of the KQEN/Brooke Communication Studios the morning after the Super Bowl with live updates during the Morning Report. We plan to have even more fun this year and hope to raise more for SMART. So get ready to help!
Within moments of the end of the Steelers game, I began getting emails from listeners asking about about the annual bet between Brian Prawitz and Jared Castle of ODOT. Yes the bet is on again, with Brian going for Arizona and Jared wisely picking Douglas County's
Troy P. and the Steelers. You can help by making a donation to us to go to Douglas County SMART (Start Making A Reader Today). The loser will be in front of the KQEN/Brooke Communication Studios the morning after the Super Bowl with live updates during the Morning Report. We plan to have even more fun this year and hope to raise more for SMART. So get ready to help!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Blog 12
Well a great evening at the First Citizens banquet....Congratulations to Bob Ragon and Roberta Hall...and the future First Citizen, Lauren Terry. Its nice to see so many people from diverse parts of the community come out for this special celebration. My compliments to the fairgrounds staff for the excellent dinner, one of the best I have had at FC. And of course awesome Umpqua Valley wine to go with it!
And to Norm Gershon and Brian Prawitz and Joyce Morgan for that little that was funny! (if you weren't there ask had to do with buying toilet paper out of town...wholesale or retail?) That is a classic example of taking a hard issue and having some fun knowing not everyone agrees with the answer to the situation.....but we all care about the community and can still get along!
In these tough times we need to support each other. and this event reminds us we are all in life together.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Blog 11
Ok its been a couple days since I updated this! I actually got a complaint email this morning reminding me to updated guess you are reading these! Thanks!
Tomorrow night is the First Citizens Banquet....its quiet on the rumor front as to who the winners might be. Even the co-emcee, that Prawitz guy in the newsroom, isn't talking. If anyone have a good rumor, shoot me an email! (no I won't mention it on the air!) I will be there tomorrow night (may even wear a tie) waiting to see who the winners are. Hope to meet many of you there. Perhaps you'll buy me a glass of Umpqua Valley wine?
Tomorrow night is the First Citizens Banquet....its quiet on the rumor front as to who the winners might be. Even the co-emcee, that Prawitz guy in the newsroom, isn't talking. If anyone have a good rumor, shoot me an email! (no I won't mention it on the air!) I will be there tomorrow night (may even wear a tie) waiting to see who the winners are. Hope to meet many of you there. Perhaps you'll buy me a glass of Umpqua Valley wine?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Blog 10
A fun weekend! I managed 26 miles of bike riding in the sunny but cold weather. Sunday night I went to a Christmas was cancelled due to weather earlier. And can you believe it...the host left their Christmas decorations UP! And I even got that yardwork in! SO a full weekend.
Join us all week on the radio for the most local news plus your favorite talk shows from RUSH, Lars, Dave Ramsey and more, and the Know Your News New Year promotion too!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Blog 9
Well here it is....the Weekend! After actually sleeping in till 10 for once, I am finally starting the day. Our Mike Winters Lawn and Garden Show Wednesday game me a number of ideas for some yard projects, though I am hoping to get in a couple great bike rides too. But, first I need espresso!
Whatever you are doing this weekend, keep the radio on - Whether its technology with Leo Laporte, stocks with Bob Brinker, home repair from the Carey Bros, Gary Sullivan and The Money Pit....RUSH, Lars, Dave Ramsey and more...we've got a lot to listen for.
Enjoy the weekend...and use caution when passing of them may be me!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Blog 8
The last rainy day for a few is expected lets get through it and then we can all dry out a bit. I suppose that means its time for yardwork this weekend!
What a week in news so far: new office holders, two robberies, a bomb threat....whatever is happening we're "on it" and are working hard to keep you informed of Douglas County keep listening!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Blog 7
Wow another intense Roseburg High Boys game tonight...if you not coming out or listening on 1490am The SCORE, you are missing out. While the Burg lost by 6, still a good effort against a team that was 8-0 going into tonight. Roseburg travels to South Medford on Friday night.
By the way, alot of people help behind the scenes at the HS games. Whether its running the scorers table, taking admission, running concessions or whatever, its amazing to see the same people helping at RHS week in and week out. They "work" so we can come in and just have fun to all of you a big THANK YOU! Its part of what makes this a Great Community!
Blog 6
I survived the first day of "back to school". Amazing how much easier it is to only get yourself out the door verses helping 3 other people. Soccer is underway again for one of the kids and all of us are back to the busy routine.
On the news side, officials were sworn in, or officially started work and the legislature is not too far away from starting the 09 session. Whatever is happening in Douglas County or affects Douglas County, we're keeping our eye on it to get you the best local news coverage. If you ever here about a story we might have missed, let us know: email us at
Ooops time to take kids to school....where is that jacket?
Monday, January 5, 2009
Blog 5
Its early....the alarm clocks are going off throughout the house signaling the end of the holiday break and "back to school". Here we go!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Blog 4
Nice win for the Roseburg Indians tonight in basketball. Haven't seen another team (W Salem) get so many technicals so fast. A small crowd don't forget to check out the great HS game around the area.
Going to the Ducks/UCLA game on Sunday....really looking foward to that one. Enjoy the last weekend of the holiday break.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Blog 3
Happy New Year! We celebrated by spending the evening with several families in Laurelwood, then at midnight went outside with smoky fireworks to create a minor ruckus! It was a fun evening, though I still am not "into" the WI! (I watched but never got motivated enough to try it!) Getting home at 1am and then having the alarm go off this morning was hard, but its still nice to have an easy day and kickback a bit.
Enjoy your New Year! Monday, parents, we are back on the regular life schedule!!
Enjoy your New Year! Monday, parents, we are back on the regular life schedule!!
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