Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Blog 19
Wow.....its 9pm...I am enjoying a dark beverage and relaxing after the RHS/S Medford Boys game.... Prawitz and my friend Jeff Bright said its the best we have played all season, but still we came up on the low side of the score. Roseburg led till there was about 3 minutes left in the third quarter then South turned more to Singler and it started to slip away. I'll leave the rest of the sports commentary to Brian who is the true expert. Some observations from other angles though: Sitting in the 2nd row right behind the bench is the best seat in the house for me. I can hear both coaches and some of the players and even the officials but it also forces me to not yell at calls I don't like (that loud radio voice stands out when I whine, or so I have been told!). The only down side tonight was two times when balls were heading towards my head! It was great to see a bigger crowd there tonight too (but a bunch of you parked in the fire lane or in other no parking areas!! eek!). I love the intensity of basketball when you are so close you feel like you are in the game. My occasional tickets to Duck games are good seats but no where near feeling like you are "in" the game. I am looking foward to being back at RHS Friday night....hopefully in the 2nd row again! I hope you'll be there too.
Blog 18
Well we missed again. While scoping around in the news world this morning I realized its snowing in Portland (again!). While its not expected to stick around long, it frustrated me. I would love see Douglas County (specifically Roseburg) get a few inches, but it never seems to happen. Us city dwellers miss out, though I know those of you in Melrose and Camas Valley get alot more. Some of you remember the big storm in 68....now I am not hoping for 3 feet of the stuff...but a few inches in town would be nice. Enough to brighten people up from our current economic doom and gloom for a day or two....maybe close school for a day, crank out some hot chocolate and get some sledding in. We in radio love snow days, because listenership goes up and the phones and website get hit hard. Those days are highlights for all of us here, but that aside the snow would be good for everyone's mood.
So please call your congressman or the mayor, and lets get some snow in the Burg!
BTW- Don't forget to support SMART, when the chicken reappears next Monday after the Super Bowl. The chicken suit and its occupant (likely Brian) will be in front of the BCI complex from 7-9am with live comments from the chicken on air. Stop by on your way to work and drop off some cash or a check for SMART and help the chicken out.
So please call your congressman or the mayor, and lets get some snow in the Burg!
BTW- Don't forget to support SMART, when the chicken reappears next Monday after the Super Bowl. The chicken suit and its occupant (likely Brian) will be in front of the BCI complex from 7-9am with live comments from the chicken on air. Stop by on your way to work and drop off some cash or a check for SMART and help the chicken out.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Blog 17
Well its Monday......and here we are 6 days into a new administration and with December financial data still coming out. Makes for uncertain times for sure. Well have a big drink of espresso and lets make it the best day it can be. And listen later today because someone will win a new computer in the New Years Promotion on Know Your News!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Blog 16
So nothing to do this wknd? Lets see - Bulls and Barrels at the Fairgrounds, Amanda Richards at the Showroom, cleaning up my yard....oh wait...well two out of three.
The rain may keep me off the bike but otherwise there is plenty to do. Enjoy your wknd and whatever you are doing keep the radio on for News and Talk all weekend long!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Blog 15
Congrats to the RHS boys basketball team who won a close one last night. I was at home eating dinner, and when I heard they charged off to a 7-0 lead, I dropped the pizza and headed for the school. The rest of the game was very close..but in the end the boys won.
Basketball is not the only sports going on of course....teams are getting ready for Spring Soccer! "Spring"...can you believe it....! However we have to do something about this fog! Its getting depressing.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Blog 14
A Change Is Here! A new President is taking office today amidst ample pomp and celebration. For a political science junkie like me, the events and the transition of power is bigger than whether you like the new President or voted for him. When many countries change leaders its often with guns and tanks in the streets. With all its flaws we have a system here that works pretty well.
So regardless of your party or voting pattern enjoy the day with awe. Tomorrow the the work begins.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Blog 13
Well its Pittsburgh and Arizona for the Super Bowl...a match, I might add, that I predicted while the sports experts in the building saw it differently, but I was right, so HA!
Within moments of the end of the Steelers game, I began getting emails from listeners asking about about the annual bet between Brian Prawitz and Jared Castle of ODOT. Yes the bet is on again, with Brian going for Arizona and Jared wisely picking Douglas County's
Troy P. and the Steelers. You can help by making a donation to us to go to Douglas County SMART (Start Making A Reader Today). The loser will be in front of the KQEN/Brooke Communication Studios the morning after the Super Bowl with live updates during the Morning Report. We plan to have even more fun this year and hope to raise more for SMART. So get ready to help!
Within moments of the end of the Steelers game, I began getting emails from listeners asking about about the annual bet between Brian Prawitz and Jared Castle of ODOT. Yes the bet is on again, with Brian going for Arizona and Jared wisely picking Douglas County's
Troy P. and the Steelers. You can help by making a donation to us to go to Douglas County SMART (Start Making A Reader Today). The loser will be in front of the KQEN/Brooke Communication Studios the morning after the Super Bowl with live updates during the Morning Report. We plan to have even more fun this year and hope to raise more for SMART. So get ready to help!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Blog 12
Well a great evening at the First Citizens banquet....Congratulations to Bob Ragon and Roberta Hall...and the future First Citizen, Lauren Terry. Its nice to see so many people from diverse parts of the community come out for this special celebration. My compliments to the fairgrounds staff for the excellent dinner, one of the best I have had at FC. And of course awesome Umpqua Valley wine to go with it!
And to Norm Gershon and Brian Prawitz and Joyce Morgan for that little skit......wow...now that was funny! (if you weren't there ask someone...it had to do with buying toilet paper out of town...wholesale or retail?) That is a classic example of taking a hard issue and having some fun knowing not everyone agrees with the answer to the situation.....but we all care about the community and can still get along!
In these tough times we need to support each other. and this event reminds us we are all in life together.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Blog 11
Ok its been a couple days since I updated this! I actually got a complaint email this morning reminding me to updated this...wow guess you are reading these! Thanks!
Tomorrow night is the First Citizens Banquet....its quiet on the rumor front as to who the winners might be. Even the co-emcee, that Prawitz guy in the newsroom, isn't talking. If anyone have a good rumor, shoot me an email! (no I won't mention it on the air!) I will be there tomorrow night (may even wear a tie) waiting to see who the winners are. Hope to meet many of you there. Perhaps you'll buy me a glass of Umpqua Valley wine?
Tomorrow night is the First Citizens Banquet....its quiet on the rumor front as to who the winners might be. Even the co-emcee, that Prawitz guy in the newsroom, isn't talking. If anyone have a good rumor, shoot me an email! (no I won't mention it on the air!) I will be there tomorrow night (may even wear a tie) waiting to see who the winners are. Hope to meet many of you there. Perhaps you'll buy me a glass of Umpqua Valley wine?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Blog 10
A fun weekend! I managed 26 miles of bike riding in the sunny but cold weather. Sunday night I went to a Christmas Party...uh...yes....it was cancelled due to weather earlier. And can you believe it...the host left their Christmas decorations UP! And I even got that yardwork in! SO a full weekend.
Join us all week on the radio for the most local news plus your favorite talk shows from RUSH, Lars, Dave Ramsey and more, and the Know Your News New Year promotion too!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Blog 9
Well here it is....the Weekend! After actually sleeping in till 10 for once, I am finally starting the day. Our Mike Winters Lawn and Garden Show Wednesday game me a number of ideas for some yard projects, though I am hoping to get in a couple great bike rides too. But, first I need espresso!
Whatever you are doing this weekend, keep the radio on - Whether its technology with Leo Laporte, stocks with Bob Brinker, home repair from the Carey Bros, Gary Sullivan and The Money Pit....RUSH, Lars, Dave Ramsey and more...we've got a lot to listen for.
Enjoy the weekend...and use caution when passing bicyclists...one of them may be me!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Blog 8
The last rainy day for a few is expected today....so lets get through it and then we can all dry out a bit. I suppose that means its time for yardwork this weekend!
What a week in news so far: new office holders, two robberies, a bomb threat....whatever is happening we're "on it" and are working hard to keep you informed of Douglas County happenings....so keep listening!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Blog 7
Wow another intense Roseburg High Boys game tonight...if you not coming out or listening on 1490am The SCORE, you are missing out. While the Burg lost by 6, still a good effort against a team that was 8-0 going into tonight. Roseburg travels to South Medford on Friday night.
By the way, alot of people help behind the scenes at the HS games. Whether its running the scorers table, taking admission, running concessions or whatever, its amazing to see the same people helping at RHS week in and week out. They "work" so we can come in and just have fun watching...so to all of you a big THANK YOU! Its part of what makes this a Great Community!
Blog 6
I survived the first day of "back to school". Amazing how much easier it is to only get yourself out the door verses helping 3 other people. Soccer is underway again for one of the kids and all of us are back to the busy routine.
On the news side, officials were sworn in, or officially started work and the legislature is not too far away from starting the 09 session. Whatever is happening in Douglas County or affects Douglas County, we're keeping our eye on it to get you the best local news coverage. If you ever here about a story we might have missed, let us know: email us at kqen@bciradio.com.
Ooops time to take kids to school....where is that jacket?
Monday, January 5, 2009
Blog 5
Its early....the alarm clocks are going off throughout the house signaling the end of the holiday break and "back to school". Here we go!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Blog 4
Nice win for the Roseburg Indians tonight in basketball. Haven't seen another team (W Salem) get so many technicals so fast. A small crowd tonight..so don't forget to check out the great HS game around the area.
Going to the Ducks/UCLA game on Sunday....really looking foward to that one. Enjoy the last weekend of the holiday break.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Blog 3
Happy New Year! We celebrated by spending the evening with several families in Laurelwood, then at midnight went outside with smoky fireworks to create a minor ruckus! It was a fun evening, though I still am not "into" the WI! (I watched but never got motivated enough to try it!) Getting home at 1am and then having the alarm go off this morning was hard, but its still nice to have an easy day and kickback a bit.
Enjoy your New Year! Monday, parents, we are back on the regular life schedule!!
Enjoy your New Year! Monday, parents, we are back on the regular life schedule!!
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